New Wine Leadership Conference

At UCAN we’ve teamed up with New Wine for their 2021 leadership conference and are heading up a new track for administrators and operational personnel in churches. 

The theme, Beyond the Storm, will address the shifts the Church is called to embrace to bring a message of hope and healing to a changed world. Shifts towards more effective discipleship, deeper dependence on prayer, digital engagement and renewal.

Speakers include Mark Sayers (Red Church Melbourne; This Cultural Moment podcast), Kate Coleman (Next Leadership), Anne Calver (Unleashed Church), Emma Ineson (Bishop of Penrith), Richard Jackson (Bishop of Hereford), Glenn Packiam (New Life Church, Colorado Springs), Pete Portal (Tree of Life, Cape Town) James K.A. Smith (Professor of Philosophy, Calvin University, Michigan) & Genelle Aldred (Creative communications expert & former newsreader and journalist).

You’ll also recognize some familiar UCAN faces – Jules Morgan, Julian Mander, Andrew Bagwell and Penny Clarke. We will be heading up seminars on stepping into a place of anointing, being scared in ministry and leading from the second chair. We’ll also be hosting live Q&A panels for delegates on both days. 

This conference is not just for church leaders, but for any person in the local church who finds themselves leading in ministry. From prayer ministry leaders to food bank volunteers to youth and kids’ teams - all those faithfully serving others in their communities at this time and of course administrators and operations personnel.

Find more info and book tickets at