Cutting Edge 2021: ‘Thriving in Change’

Is there a better time than this to ‘thrive in change?’ That’s the theme of our 2021 residential conference and we can’t wait to be together. Of course, the pandemic lockdown rules themselves are constantly changing and there is a lot of uncertainty remaining. Our conference team is working hard behind-the-scenes to help us get together, even if the shape or timing of the conference has to change.

We have flexible booking t&cs for the conference, to provide reassurance and now is the time to book  to signal your intention to be with us.

Please visit this link to read through our Covid arrangements, to download and explore the conference programme, to view our ‘pre-conference session 0 with Jules Morgan’ (bonus video content). 

Our flexible covid t&cs will allow you to cancel your booking up till 23rd April and you will be entitled to a full refund or booking deferment if the conference cannot proceed due to Covid. If anything changes in the meantime, we will be in touch.