There's always so much going on and we've got lots to share with you. Check back here regularly for news from the UCAN network and follow us on social media where you'll be notified of all posts, plus so much more.
Click here for a heartfelt video update from our Board of Directors, celebrating the past few years and sharing what’s ahead for UCAN.
Excitement is building for our 2025 National Conferences for Church Administrators - have you booked your place yet? Find out more here…
UCAN Manager Members! Have you saved your place at our March Virtual Roundtable? Find out more here…
Looking for training especially designed with Church Administrators & Managers in mind? Find out more about our accredited courses…
Find out about the latest templates added to our Administrator & Manager members’ resources library!
Find out about upcoming local group meetings for church administrators PLUS our first online gathering for Local Group Leaders!
Words of Encouragement from Our Article Archives
Spring doesn’t arrive overnight, and neither does change. How can we navigate the process faithfully? Read more in our latest article…
Putting your hope in a spreadsheet? Or in the One who holds it all together? Read our latest article for encouragement when plans unravel…
New year, same church office challenges? Discover why the ordinary is extraordinary…
Working or serving in church administration this Christmas? This important message is for you…
How can we best support our church leaders? Read our latest article from UCAN Board Director and Church Manager, Gavin
"I know you are not working today … but can I just ask you [insert the question here]…?"
Is this a similar Sunday occurrence for you and how do you respond?
This September is a time of fresh beginnings, and at the heart of it all there's you - the church administrator. Be encouraged by Jules in our latest article...
How can we respond to disunity in our church families, teams and communities? Read more from UCAN Director Jules Morgan here…
Are you struggling under the load of feeling watched as you work, and not feeling valued or celebrated? If that's how you feel today - read our latest article from UCAN Director Jules Morgan!
In our latest article, UCAN Board Director Jules shares how when things get stressful, and you begin to feel a sense of becoming overwhelmed the ‘Controlling the Controllables’ tool from GiANT can be a helpful resource to put things into perspective.
If we’re honest, there are people in our lives we find it hard, or even impossible to like. In this article, Jules encourages us to look afresh at the people God has put around us, including those in our church staff teams!
In just a short time it will be Good Friday when we will be remembering, once again, the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for us. And one of the most moving parts of the Good Friday story for me is that of Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, just before he is arrested.
Read the full article…
Do you ever find that it’s the moments when you’ve run out of time and are already late that your computer seems to sense it? Ok, perhaps this is mild paranoia on my part, but on occasion I think ‘they’ know I’m in a rush and slow down intentionally to teach me patience. Take yesterday as an example. Already pushed for time and sitting waiting for files to sync with my OneDrive it felt like the laptop clicked into ‘slow mode’ just at that very moment!
Read the full article…
As on many days, my Lectio 365 app provided the right Bible passage for prompt, encouragement and challenge, on the specific day I needed to hear it. As I sit in a church centre café this morning (4th January 2024), starting to write my last UCAN mailing article as a Director, this passage from Isaiah 43 greeted me.
“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?”
In a season of newness, transition and change, God is ever present, ever sovereign, and ever Good. More about this in this article…
What do you prefer on your toast and what does it have to do with church administration?
What do Strictly Come Dancing and being a Church Administrator have in common? Take a look at this article from UCAN’s Executive Director, Jules Morgan, and all will be revealed.
We Christian’s already know the importance of pausing weekly – enjoying the gift of God’s intentional Sabbath pause for us to rest, and to enjoy Him and all He gives us.
But how can more regular pause sustain us? Especially in ‘maddening times’ as Daniel Pink puts it! Read on to find out…
Rummaging in our key tin yesterday I found this – my old Lego Wonder Woman keyring (image on the right). Noticing that she was damaged I was about to throw her out when two things suddenly came to mind. Want to know what they were? Then read on…
The recent hot spell has seen us indulging in ice-cream in our household! Enjoying a 99 ice-cream reminded me of recent newspaper articles citing ice-cream sellers’ dismay when finding their Cadbury flakes were now ‘too flaky’ for the classic ice-cream.
Apparently, a shift in production sites left vendors complaining the choccy sticks were now too crumbly for use. Understandably, their paying customers couldn’t be served a 99 with a broken flake, and some sellers have turned to German ‘milk chocolate flaked sticks’ as alternatives.
What has a broken flake on a 99-ice-cream got to do with church administration I hear you ask? Good question....read on to find out more…
Are you sitting comfortably?
Have you heard the story about Goldilocks and the church?
A woman named Goldilocks goes for a walk on a Sunday morning trying to find a church to join. To her delight she comes upon a beautiful looking church building which she enters and joins the service that’s just starting. But the worship style is too formal for her taste - with liturgy and hymns she doesn’t know - and she doesn’t enjoy it. She tries another service, but the sung worship style feels too loud and repetitive, and she doesn’t like it. She tries another service and this one feels just right.
Read more here…
I need reading glasses. I’m finally admitting it.
Presbyobia - to give it the correct name - comes to us all in time, as our eye muscles age and we can no longer manage the amazing and unconscious feat of switching back and forth from near to long vision.
So, for me, it’s now a choice of lifting the long-distance glasses off my face to peer at the smartphone or putting on a pair of reading glasses if I’ve got my contact lenses in. I can hear the wonderful world of varifocal contact lenses beckoning me to try them out!
This new world of ever-changing lenses, had me musing on the many lenses church administrators must look through. Seeing far ahead in our work is second nature. Every administrator plans for long-term room hires/ wedding bookings / church weekends away / building projects. There’s a long and varied list of things that require long-range vision, and we’re often seeing things at least 6- 12 months ahead of our congregation.
That said – hands up anyone who’s had to look at an immediate need in front of them this week? Many of us will be stepping in with last-minute service planning when rota gaps appeared last night, or when ‘'extra notices’ need to be slipped in with almost no notice at all?
Administrators operate with long distance and near focus on such a daily basis that we’re experts in it, using those ‘administrator muscles’ to switch our focus without even being aware of it.
But are we doing the same spiritually, and with as much ease l wonder?
In recent months we’ve been helping several churches in the UCAN network with their mission, strategy, and activity alignment. Time and again in UCAN, we come across churches that have inspiring mission statements, and committed, hard-working staff, volunteers and congregations serving their church and community with love. It is wonderful to see. But this isn’t always the case. find out more here
In the last few months, I’ve become a member of the 3am club.
If you’re not familiar with it, it’s a crazy group of people across the UK who wake up at 3am to watch American Football. And mad though it may be, there’s something uplifting about watching it. The celebrations… but how do we celebrate in church…
We’re in the 3rd third week of January, how’s your new year looking so far? Did you make any resolutions? Do you still have any left to break 😂?
I Why is it so hard to keep the resolutions that you really wanted to nail this year? Take a closer look…
Spring doesn’t arrive overnight, and neither does change. How can we navigate the process faithfully? Read more in our latest article…