May is UCAN Local Groups month

UCAN is primarily a relational network, but with over 1,800 members we need to take a more local regional approach, as well as a national one. If you’re not yet in a UCAN local group then May is the month you’ve been waiting for!


In May we’ll profile the value of a Local Group and kickstart a new programme of filling the geographical gaps nationally. Our aim is for every UCAN member to have access to a local group if they want one.


In preparation for this, the Network Enabling Team will be contacting all Local Group leaders to check in and see how they and their local groups are doing. If you are a Local Group leader, we’re kindly asking you to try and schedule meeting face to face in March if you possibly can – so please get a date in for your local group members and also let our Network Enabling Team know that you are planning to meet.  


Not in a group yet and want to join one?


Would you consider leadership or co-leadership of a group this year?


Are you a Local Group leader who needs a bit of help to get your group going again, or with planning a smooth leadership handover.


Do you lead a large group and would like a conversation about planting another one from it?


If any of the above apply to you, or if you have any questions about Local Groups then please email the Network Enablers – Maria, Verity and Jenny – and they would love to help you.