Area Training Days – Amplify our Impact. Book in now!

UCAN’s programme of Area Training Day (ATD) is rolling out. Bookings are live in some venues, and many of you have already secured your place. Places are limited in these venues, so please book in early and click on a link below to secure your seat. 

8th March: Surrey
16th March: Manchester
23rd March: Nottingham
11th May: Birmingham

Dates and venues are following soon for 7 more days in Newport/Bristol, Devon, Cambridgeshire, Oxford, North-East, Edinburgh and Hertfordshire.


This programme of ATDs – concentrating on how we can Amplify our Impact in church administration through the 3 lenses of individual impact, team impact and task impact, is open to ALL UCAN members at a discounted ticket price, and non-members at higher ticket prices. So please do extend the invitation to anyone you know working in church administration and operations that would benefit from this input and the networking opportunities these events will bring.