The small-church Administrator

These new notes call for fresh thinking on how the model of a paid Church Administrator needs to be adapted for small churches.  The ‘small’ in the title refers to the church, not to the administrator, hence the hyphen!

We are used to the idea of a paid member of staff working from a church office which becomes the hub of church activity.  But that does not work for most small churches.  So, instead, the notes give seven different ways of thinking.

  1. Assistant rather than Administrator

  2. Gofer rather than Secretary

  3. Responsibilities rather than tasks

  4. Home rather than office

  5. Flexible rather than fixed

  6. Voluntary rather than paid

  7. Limited rather than open-ended

There is then a final note on how to go about finding such a person with three possible areas to search: the congregation, the local community and other local churches.

Training Notes TN126, The small-church administrator, are now available without charge from the Training Notes index page of John Truscott’s website.