Everything in the right order...


God, people, task – a reminder we may need from time to time! 

In less than one 24hr period, two friends and a bible daily reading App had all independently sent me the same verses of Scripture:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths”.

Proverbs 3:5-6, NIV

Place your trust in the Eternal and rely on him completely; never depend on your own ideas and inventions.

Proverbs 3:5-6, The Voice

That was such an encouragement because there were significant and challenging work decisions looming that I needed a reminder to trust God in, and with. But I almost went ‘thanks that’s encouraging’ and moved on. Then a third friend sent me the same verse the next day saying, “I think the Lord wants to highlight this for your Jules”. That made me take time out to sit, read the verses, think about their context, and ask God what he was trying to get my attention on. 

We often hear these two verses quoted concerning guidance and trusting in God for insight and wisdom on something ahead. The writer of Proverbs places these verses after chapters concerning the call and values of wisdom as a gift from God for his children. The context we can leap to with these verses concerns ‘what’ we should do. The focus is on task and action and movement, with a challenge to get wisdom and insight from the right place for the journey/tasks ahead. We have a choice as we ponder the ‘road’ ahead – do we rely on our own experience, knowledge and wisdom or do we trust in God? ‘How’ we trust God speaks to the core of discipleship. If we want to trust and rely on God’s insight and wisdom and not our own, then it’s back to the basics of spiritual formation and discipleship. Studying Scripture, praying, seeking wise and good counsel from those further on in the discipleship journey than us; and being open to being led by the Holy Spirit. It’s about doing all we can to be Christ-like and not self-like; being God reliant and not self-reliant.  

What struck me afresh though - whilst sitting and pondering on these verses – were the surrounding verses and the order that the author of Proverbs brings in this chapter. The part about trusting in God for the task ahead comes third… the focus on task and needing help for the specifics ahead is not where it starts.  

Firstly, the writer reminds us of all that we’ve been taught about God. All that wisdom from God has shown us about our Father. And how this knowledge of who God is should be the foundation for living life well. This is a reminder to look up before we look ahead. To put God as the centre of our vision first and foremost. From that place, it becomes so much easier to be able to trust God for what’s ahead of us next. Our eyes are full of who He is, and we’ve taken our eyes off ourselves. We’re reminded of His love, provision, faithfulness… the list of wonderfulness of God goes on… add your own descriptors as you look up and remind yourself of the awesome God who is for you, truly loves you and promises to guide you through whatever you are facing right now.    

Then, we’re reminded to dress ourselves in the values of God as we interact with others. The Voice translation tells us to ‘stay focused; do not lose sight of love and mercy’. The NIV translation talks about ‘loyalty and faithfulness’. Love, mercy, loyalty, and faithfulness – all Christ-like values and behaviours that we’re reminded to wear for others to see in us. How we behave and who we are known to behave like – reflecting Jesus for others to see in us - is even more important than what we do.   

In these few, short verses, the writer of Proverbs reminds us that trusting in God is far superior to trusting our own ideas, inventions, skills and experiences as we do whatever Kingdom work God has called us to do. As you administer in your churches, I pray that you’ll be reminded and encouraged – like I was – to rely on God completely. But please, let’s not bypass the parts that come before the task and the work…. 

Let’s look up and fill our eyes with God first, to remind ourselves of the depth of his love and provision for us. Then let’s ask Jesus to continue to train us to reflect him in greater measure and ask Holy Spirit to clothe us in the fruits and characteristics of God. Then, we can look ahead with confidence. In the right order, and placed in the correct context, surely the task and road ahead become so much easier to trust God with. Relying on myself now seems foolish. Trusting in God, and giving God the honour, glory and fruits of our work all falls into place. I know we all know this, but a timely reminder never goes amiss… as being sent those verses from Proverbs reminded me!  


Jules Morgan 

Chair of Directors, UCAN.  

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