Give to UCAN

Perhaps, like many if us, you get regular requests to give to charity or increase your church giving. UCAN generally doesn't make a habit of asking you for money, but we're unashamedly asking you and your church to please consider sowing into our mission and vision in this next season.

We're a non-profit organisation - all Director time is voluntary, and the teams we pull together to run our events are all volunteers. We've been able to take on two part-time staff - Verity and Maria - who punch way above their weight on the hours they do, but we want to ensure we can build additional capacity and strengthen the network.

Our income is minimal because we keep membership prices and event costs as low as possible for you, and we make no profit on all we provide. We're growing fast and have plans to increase membership benefits and draw in many more churches to the network. We have a dream that no administrator should feel alone, and every church leader should know about UCAN and ensure their administrative and operations staff are part of us.

To see this dream realised we need your financial support. Could you and/or your church consider a one-off or regular gift to UCAN? Please partner with us so that you (and others like you) can continue to benefit from the network - for the sake of your church and for the Kingdom. 

If you would like to give to UCAN, please head to Thank you!

Select your chosen fund and donation frequency from the drop down menus (see image below)