Cutting Edge 2024 Conference: Day and Non-Residential Tickets Now Available!

Only one month to go until our 2024 Cutting Edge conference! Day tickets are still available via this link so don't miss out. Details below:

Monday 24th June only - £50 for paying members/£70 for Non-Members and Connect Members. Those wishing to attend Day 1 of the conference (Monday 24th June 12:30-7:30pm). Ticket includes Lunch & Dinner.

Tuesday 25th June only - £75 for paying members/£95 for Non-Members and Connect Members. Those wishing to attend Day 2 of the conference (Tuesday 25th June 9:30am-7:30pm). Ticket includes Lunch & Dinner.

Wednesday 26th June only - £50 for paying members/£70 for Non-Members and Connect Members. Those wishing to attend Day 3 of the conference (Monday 24th June 9:30am-1:45pm). Ticket includes Lunch.

3-day Non-Residential ticket - £175 for paying members/£225 for Non-Members and Connect Members. Ticket includes Lunch & Dinner on Monday & Tuesday and Lunch on Wednesday.

Not a Manager member? Sign up here today or get in touch with us via to find out how to upgrade an Administrator or Connect Membership.
