Image by Denny Muller on Unsplash
In church operational and strategic planning there is no sense in ‘Reinventing the Wheel.’ It can be vital to understand what approaches other churches are taking and what their experience has been.
We are delighted to announce that our much-anticipated 2023 Benchmarking Survey is now available to purchase!
The UCAN Essential Benchmarking Survey is a 24-page report which covers core areas of:
Staffing Levels, allocation, remuneration and employment terms
Finance & Resource allocation
Policies and Processes
Infrastructure & I.T.
Governance & Management
The report is priced at £60 but paid UCAN members can purchase it for just £40! That’s a whopping third off (-£20) of the full price! With membership from as little as £19 per year (yes really per year!) why not sign up as a UCAN member today to receive your discount!
Purchase the report via
A huge thank you to all who contributed to the survey. You should have received an email from us with a separate contributor’s discount code. If you need us to send it again, please get in touch with us via for more details.
Congratulations to the contributor who was selected at random and has received a £50 Amazon voucher!