Whoops, I haven't done it yet!

You might be reading this newsletter and realising once again that you haven’t yet renewed your UCAN membership. Or perhaps you still haven’t taken out membership at all?


Do you know how much practical and spiritual support and encouragement you’re missing out on?


Not having UCAN membership means you can’t access the community on our Facebook Forum. This exclusive member only benefit is a lifeline our members love. UCAN members regularly post questions, ask for recommendations and learn from one other. For practical peer to peer support from others that truly understand what being in church administration is like - join UCAN.  


Other exclusive member benefits include:


  • Access to downloadable resources and templates

  • Access to accredited courses for professional development

  • Significant discounts on UCAN event tickets

  • Bi-monthly virtual roundtables for senior UCAN+ members

  • Access to UCAN Local Groups

  • Significant discounts on Churchworkers.net – UCAN’s professional HR service.

  • Reduced rates for Church consultancy and training


There’s so much that you’re missing out on!


We know how stretched your church finances are, so we keep the price of UCAN membership as low as possible, and we intentionally operate as a non-profit with low overheads.


Your yearly UCAN membership will cost your church less than 5p a day.


What else has such measurable impact in the life of your church and costs <5p/day? Just let that sink in for a moment, it’s not even £20 a year. (And there are additional pricing options for larger teams to make it even more cost effective). Surely making sure that YOU are equipped and supported in your role is worth so much more than 5p a day!


UCAN membership will link you and your church into a world of practitioners who  understand the unique pressures and joys of church administration, UCAN exists to help you use your gift in administration well. The network can point you to resources you need and share templates. The network will help you out with that question you’re struggling to find an answer to.


Importantly, we’ll all cheer YOU as an individual on. We know that so many of you don’t have an administration team around you. It’s just you. Well, this is not a ministry that you have to do alone – come and join us and we’ll ‘be your team’.


Head over to join the network today at https://www.churchadministrators.net/join


If you need some assistance with convincing your church leader, Board or PCC that it is worth spending less than £20 to link you into a lifeline for your role, then send an email to network@churchadministrators.net and we can help you navigate that. We’re so sure of the benefit and added value of UCAN membership for you and your church that one of our Network Enablers will be in contact to assist you with ‘making the case’. Current church administrators themselves (working part-time for UCAN) our Network Enablers couldn’t imagine doing their church roles without the UCAN network standing shoulder to shoulder with them. 


We can’t wait for you and your church to (re)join us.