Cutting Edge 23: More with Less

Our Cutting Edge stream of teaching equips and resources those with leadership, management, and senior administration responsibilities in the UK church to respond to the present challenges they face.


UCAN are delighted to host our 2023 Cutting Edge Day conference in central London at St Mellitus College.


Over the last 3 years, many churches have faced a tightening of resources, but a growing need in the communities around them. With fewer financial resources, fewer staff and fewer volunteers, expanding provision or even delivering “business as usual” has never been more challenging.


How can the UK church respond to accomplish MORE with LESS?


Our 2023 day conference seeks to respond to this paradox, sharing wise and practical insights into how the UK is called to operate in this season, and sharing what we believe the Holy Spirit is saying to the church at this time.


How can you have more IMPACT while stewarding LESS resources in a more efficient and effective way – especially when MORE activity is neither possible nor called for?


Head over to this link for more information and to book your place, Early bird offer applies if you book by 31st March: