Firstly, the Cutting Edge group are keen to welcome additional support. Their role is to oversee the planning and delivery of the Cutting Edge events for Senior Managers in the network, in particular the day conference and residential. If you are interested in this, please email Julian Mander, the chair of the group.
Secondly, now that Colin Rye has stepped down as a Director there is a place vacant on the Board of UCAN. Please email Jules Morgan to express an interest, giving an indication of the skills and gifts you feel you could bring to the role
Finally, we are developing wider opportunities for people with particular expertise that would be valuable to others Please email Kevin Lawrence if you have knowledge or skills that you would like to share with the wider network or beyond.
We’d love to hear from you – we’re a network of members serving members, and grow through sharing and helping each other. Tell us what you know or if you would like to develop your skills and involvement in a particular area.