(Only the Brave – Determined Discipleship – was the overarching theme for Spring Harvest 2018, plumbing the depths of the book of James to discover some very real challenges and wisdom in this section of Scripture.)
Andy Bagwell and I were thrilled to meet up with a good number of church administrators and managers at both Minehead and Skegness …….. some of whom were UCAN members (thank you for coming!), and some of whom weren’t (quite!)
We took a look at the new UCAN – for the benefit of those who hadn’t come across the network before – and then broke into small groups to discuss the most usual feedback points from administrators about their role (‘Sundays are a nightmare’!), and from Ministers about administration (‘I lack administrative support’!)
Those attending found great comfort in knowing that their challenges were generally common to church administration itself, and in realising the benefit of sharing wisdom and practice with one another! Many stayed at the end of the designated time to discuss specific tasks which were challenging them at the time. Hopefully the name and potential of UCAN to support and strengthen practical church life around the nation is now a little more widely known and appreciated! UCAN members – please keep spreading the word!! (Oh, and see you next year at Spring Harvest!)