Every member on active service

A new set of training notes has just been uploaded to John Truscott's website and circulated in the recent UCAN resources mailing.

NEW: ‘Every member on active service’

The dream that inspires this article is for every member of every church to be actively serving Christ in an appropriate way, using the gifts, enthusiasm and experience they possess for the benefit of all and to build up the body of Christ.   This new article sets out five organisational ways to change the culture of your church so that every-member ministry becomes a living reality for service within and outside the church structures.  These are the five:

  1. Make someone responsible
  2. Think different approaches
  3. Ensure people fit roles
  4. Develop training for all
  5. Design an effective plan

This is not an article on supporting volunteers (it is likely that one will follow later) but on how to turn this biblical principle into reality.  If your church has a vision for everyone on active service, here is material to study and apply.  Article A43, Every member on active service – how to mobilise your church, is now available without charge on the Articles page of John's website.  Use it for your staff team, Trustees/PCC, elders or leadership team.

Other resources on related themes

Here is a range of other resources from John Truscott on themes linked to every-member ministry.


A8           Worker agreements – Appropriate paperwork for churches
A10        An introduction to the art of training – Help people learn

Training Notes

TN10      What do Christians do between Sundays?
TN24      Church members can burn out too
TN31      Affirming volunteers
TN34      Closing down a church activity
TN36      Square pegs in round holes
TN37      To pay or not to pay?
TN41      What makes a group a team
TN55      So who should be in the dock?
TN79      ‘One another’ teams
TN87      What to look for in your leaders
TN90      Put someone in charge
TN100   Why some offer, why some don’t