News from Local Groups

Worcester Group

We last met on Wednesday 18th October, when we were hosted by Martyn Walley, at Wood Green Evangelical Church.

As we usually do, we shared lunch together, and enjoyed catching up with each other’s news, as well as welcoming a new member to the group.  We had a helpful discussion about a number of issues we come up against, both locally and more widely, as well as starting to think about GDPR, which no doubt will come up again as a topic next time we meet!  We finished with prayer, and as many of us hadn’t been to Wood Green before, with a tour around the church and its facilities.

We are next meeting on Wednesday 7th February, at Worcester Baptist Church, Sansome Walk, at 12.30pm.  If any other administrators in the area would like to join us, we’d love to see you there – do get in touch!

Alison Moore and Liz Wilson

Oxfordshire Group

We held our very first local group meeting on 27th September 2017 at the Barn’s Café in Abingdon, which is part of Christ Church Abingdon. The location was accessible for most people with the added advantage that we could order delicious sandwiches!  13 administrators came to the lunch meeting and we had several apologies due to holidays etc, so it was a very encouraging start to the group.

We shared a little with each other about the work we do as administrators, which varied greatly in terms of hours worked and roles undertaken.  Then we used John Truscott’s “Administrator Types”, based on Winnie the Pooh characters, to look at the different qualities and skills we bring to our jobs.  It was a fun exercise but also helped us to recognise how unique we all are.

We also talked about what we would like to get from the group and made suggestions about topics that we could cover in future meetings as well as letting those who didn’t know about UCAN membership and the wealth of resources available to members.

Since our first meeting we have set up a closed Facebook Group for administrators to ask questions and share ideas.  We are hoping to meet once a term and the next meeting is planned for March 2018.

Karen Stoddart and Vicky Johnston

The first official meeting of the South Yorkshire Group will take place on Tuesday 20th February at 12.30pm.  Hosted by Sally Davies they will be meeting at the Wilson Carlile Centre, Cavendish Street, Sheffield S3 7RZ in the Café area.  If you are in the area do come along and support the South Yorkshire group as it gets up and running. 

The Surry + Senior Manager group will meet on 1st February at Christ Church Woking.  For more details please contact Brian Howells.